
Solve step by atep

To solve the given system of equations step-by-step, we'll use the method of substitution.

1) Solve one equation for one variable. We'll solve the first equation for x:
6x - 3y = 118
6x = 3y + 118
x = (3y + 118)/6
x = (y + 39)/2

2) Substitute the expression for x into the second equation:
-3((y + 39)/2) - 9y = -93
-3y - 117 - 9y = -93
-12y - 117 = -93
-12y = -93 + 117
-12y = 24
y = 24/(-12)
y = -2

3) Substitute the found value of y into equation 1 to find x:
x = (y + 39)/2
x = (-2 + 39)/2
x = 37/2

Thus, the solution to the system of equations is x = 37/2 and y = -2.