for what values of x is log_0.75(x+3)>log_0.5(x+3)


which of the following logarithmic expressions are equivalent to In sqr xy+In(x/e)? choose three correct options
A.In(sqr x^3y/e)
C.1/2In x^2y-e
D.In(x sqr xy)-1
E. 3/2In x+1/2In y-1

solve log_81 32x-log_81(x-3)=3/4 for x
A. x=24/31
C.x=729 3sqr3/243 3sqr3-32
D. no solution

state the domain, range, intercept(s), and asymptote(s) of y=-2^-x+2+1

To solve the inequality log₀.₇₅(x+3) > log₀.₅(x+3):

First, define a new variable y = x + 3. The inequality becomes:

log₀.₇₅(y) > log₀.₅(y)

Now, since the base and the argument of the logarithm are the same, the inequality simplifies to:

y > y

This inequality is true for all y. Therefore, substituting back x + 3 for y, we get:

x + 3 > x + 3

This equation is also true for all x. Therefore, the solution is -2 < x < ∞.

Answer: A. -2 < x < ∞


To determine which logarithmic expressions are equivalent to In(√(xy)) + In(x/e), we simplify the expression first:

In(√(xy)) + In(x/e)
= In(√(xy)(x/e))
= In(√(x³y/e))
= In(√(x²y/e) * √(x/e))
= In((x²y/e)^(1/2) * (x/e)^(1/2))
= In(x²y/e * x/e)
= In(x²y/2e)

Therefore, the equivalent expressions are:

A. In(x²y/2e)
C. 1/2In(x²y-e)
D. In(x(√(xy))-1)

Answer: A. In(x²y/2e), C. 1/2In(x²y-e), D. In(x(√(xy))-1)


To solve log₈₁(32x) - log₈₁(x-3) = 3/4:

Using the properties of logarithms, we can rewrite the equation as:

log₈₁(32x / (x-3)) = 3/4

Now, we can convert the equation to exponential form:

81^(3/4) = 32x / (x-3)
3³ = 32x / (x-3)
27 = 32x / (x-3)


27(x-3) = 32x
27x - 81 = 32x
-81 = 5x
x = -81/5

Therefore, the solution is:

B. x = -81/5


For the equation y = -2^(-x+2) + 1:

Domain: Since we have a negative exponent, the base 2 cannot equal zero. Therefore, the domain of the function is all real numbers.

Range: The range of the function y = -2^(-x+2) + 1 is y < 3.

Intercept: To find the y-intercept, set x to 0:

y = -2^(-0+2) + 1
y = -2² + 1
y = -4 + 1
y = -3

Therefore, the y-intercept is -3.

Asymptote: There is a horizontal asymptote at y = 1, as x approaches positive or negative infinity.

Domain: All real numbers
Range: y < 3
Intercept: y-intercept is -3
Asymptote: Horizontal asymptote at y = 1.

Answer: Domain: All real numbers, Range: y < 3, Intercept: y-intercept is -3, Asymptote: Horizontal asymptote at y = 1.