The distance between the school and the library is 3 1/2 miles. The distance between the library and

Town Hall is 1 1/4miles. How many miles farther is it from the school to the library than from the library
to Town Hall?(1 point

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's try again:

Distance from school to library: 3 1/2 miles = 7/2 miles
Distance from library to Town Hall: 1 1/4 miles = 5/4 miles

To find the difference in distance, we subtract the distance between the library and Town Hall from the distance between the school and the library:

Difference in distance = Distance from school to library - Distance from library to Town Hall
= 7/2 miles - 5/4 miles
= 14/4 miles - 5/4 miles
= (14 - 5)/4 miles
= 9/4 miles

Therefore, it is 9/4 miles or 2 1/4 miles farther from the school to the library than from the library to Town Hall.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

thats not right

To find the difference in distance, we subtract the distance between the library and Town Hall from the distance between the school and the library:

Distance from school to library: 3 1/2 miles
Distance from library to Town Hall: 1 1/4 miles

Difference in distance: (3 1/2) - (1 1/4)
= 7/2 - 5/4
= (14/4) - (5/4)
= 9/4

Therefore, it is 9/4 miles farther from the school to the library than from the library to Town Hall.