Maplewood Furniture Store is having a sale on dining room furniture. When a customer purchases a set of dining chairs, a one-time discount of $55 is applied to the total. During the sale, Rhianna buys a set of 6 chairs that match the table she inherited from her grandmother. Rhianna pays $455 in all.

What is the regular cost of each chair?

Let's represent the regular cost of each chair as "x".

Since Rhianna bought a set of 6 chairs, the regular cost of the 6 chairs would be 6x.

The sale applies a one-time discount of $55, so the cost of the 6 chairs after the discount is 6x - 55.

Given that Rhianna paid $455 in all, we can set up the following equation:

6x - 55 = 455

Adding 55 to both sides of the equation:

6x = 455 + 55


6x = 510

Dividing both sides by 6:

x = 510 / 6

Simplifying further, we find that:

x = 85

Therefore, the regular cost of each chair is $85.