The population of a city increases by 4,000 people each year. In 2015, the population is projected to be 450,000 people. What is an equation that gives the city’s population p (in thousands of people) x years after 2010?

(1 point)

p = 4x + 50

p – 450 = 4(x – 5)

p – 15 = 4(x – 450)

p = 4x + 15

p = 4(x - 5)

please explain

The equation p = 4(x - 5) gives the city's population p (in thousands of people) x years after 2010.

In 2010, the population was not given, so we subtract 5 from x to account for the 5 years from 2010 to 2015.

Then, we multiply 4,000 (the number of people added each year) by (x - 5) to give us the total increase in population over the given number of years.

Adding this to the initial population in 2015 (450,000 people) gives us the population p x years after 2010.