Besides natural gas and oil, what other natural resources is found in central Asia and the Caucasus

Central Asia and the Caucasus are rich in various natural resources apart from natural gas and oil. Some of the other significant natural resources found in these regions include:

1. Minerals: Central Asia and the Caucasus have vast reserves of various minerals such as gold, silver, copper, iron ore, lead, zinc, uranium, tin, tungsten, and coal. Kazakhstan is particularly known for its mineral wealth, including extensive deposits of zinc, lead, and copper.

2. Uranium: Kazakhstan possesses the world's second-largest uranium reserves, making it a significant player in the global uranium market. It accounts for a substantial portion of global uranium production.

3. Rare Earth Elements (REEs): The region is also rich in rare earth elements, which are critical for modern technologies due to their use in electronics, rechargeable batteries, magnets, and more. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in particular, have significant REE deposits.

4. Agricultural Products: Central Asia and the Caucasus have fertile agricultural lands, leading to the production of various commodities. These include wheat, barley, cotton, fruits, vegetables, nuts, tea, tobacco, and dairy products. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are major players in the agriculture sector of the region.

5. Hydropower: The region is home to abundant water resources, making hydropower a valuable natural resource. The vast mountain ranges in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan offer great potential for hydropower generation, which could be harnessed for domestic consumption and export.

6. Natural Stones: Central Asia and the Caucasus are known for their reserves of semi-precious and precious stones such as emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and amethysts. Tajikistan and Afghanistan have particularly notable deposits of gemstones.

7. Timber: Forests in the Caucasus region, including Georgia and Azerbaijan, provide a significant source of timber. These forests have diverse tree species like oak, beech, pine, and spruce, which contribute to the timber industry.

8. Geothermal Energy: The geothermal potential in the Caucasus region, especially in Georgia and Armenia, is notable. Geothermal energy can be utilized for heating, electricity generation, and other applications.

It is worth noting that the potential for the exploration and exploitation of natural resources in these regions is still being developed, and their full extent may not be entirely known or utilized yet.