What characteristic(s) make this piece a narrative? Excerpt:from the adventures of huckleberry Finn by mark twain

The narrative characteristics that make this excerpt from "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" a narrative are:

1. First-person narration: The story is told from the perspective of the protagonist, Huckleberry Finn. The use of "I" and the personal observations and thoughts of Huckleberry Finn give it a sense of being a personal account of his experiences.

2. Descriptive storytelling: The narrative provides vivid and detailed descriptions of the surroundings, events, and characters in the story. This helps to enhance the reader's imagination and creates a sense of being immersed in the narrative.

3. Sequential plot structure: The excerpt follows a clear sequence of events, starting from Huckleberry Finn's encounter with Tom Sawyer's gang and leading to their plans for adventures. The narrative unfolds in a chronological order, enabling the reader to follow the story easily.

4. Engaging dialogue: The excerpt includes conversations between characters, which contributes to the narrative's storytelling aspect. The dialogue adds depth to the characters and portrays their personalities, emotions, and motivations.

5. Historical context: The narrative is set in the mid-19th century, providing historical background and context to the story. The use of specific language, dialects, and cultural references of the time period adds authenticity to the narrative.

In combination, these narrative characteristics contribute to the overall storytelling aspect and immerse the reader in Huckleberry Finn's adventures, making it a narrative piece.