your Funko pop would come with Accessories (describe at least two accessories)

Andrew Johnson

1) Andrew Johnson Funko Pop would come with a tiny miniature version of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States, and it would be a significant accessory to highlight Johnson's role in the post-Civil War era and his efforts towards reconstruction.

2) Another accessory could be a miniature version of a presidential veto stamp. Andrew Johnson was the first U.S. President to be impeached, and he frequently used his veto power as a means of opposing the Republican majority in Congress. The accessory would symbolize his steadfast commitment to his own policies and his willingness to challenge the legislative branch.

what if thats nit an option

In that case, here are two alternative accessories for an Andrew Johnson Funko Pop:

1) A miniature podium with a speech bubble: Andrew Johnson was known for his eloquent and passionate speeches, particularly during his time as President. The accessory could include a small podium with a speech bubble that can be interchanged with different quotes or phrases he was famous for, such as his speeches on Reconstruction or his role as the defender of the Constitution.

2) A mini replica of the presidential seal: As the 17th President of the United States, an accessory featuring a miniature replica of the presidential seal would be a fitting addition to the Andrew Johnson Funko Pop. It would represent his time in office and the authority he held as the leader of the nation. The seal could be a detachable accessory that could be placed on the figure's stand or held in the hand.