Tara, Monica, and Raymond share the cost of renting an apartment. The total monthly cost is 1,120. Tara pays 1/4 of the total cost. Monica pays .375 of the total cost. Raymond pays the rest. How much does Raymond pay?


To find out how much Raymond pays, we'll need to subtract Tara's and Monica's payments from the total cost.

Tara pays 1/4 of the total cost = (1/4) * 1120 = 280

Monica pays .375 of the total cost = .375 * 1120 = 420

Now, we'll find out Raymond's payment by subtracting Tara's and Monica's payments from the total cost:

Raymond pays = Total cost - Tara's payment - Monica's payment
Raymond pays = 1120 - 280 - 420
Raymond pays = 420

Therefore, Raymond pays 420.

what does the * represent?

The * symbol represents multiplication. In math, when we want to multiply two numbers, we use the * symbol. So, when we write (1/4) * 1120, it means we are multiplying 1/4 with 1120.