Timothy is at an elevation of -17.65 meters below sea level, He descends by 3 4/5 meters to observe a coral. What is his new elevation relative to sea level?

To find Timothy's new elevation relative to sea level, we need to subtract the amount he descends from his original elevation.

Original elevation: -17.65 meters
Descends by: 3 4/5 meters

First, we need to convert the mixed number 3 4/5 to an improper fraction.
3 4/5 = (3 * 5 + 4) / 5 = 19/5

Now, we can subtract 19/5 from -17.65 to find the new elevation:
-17.65 - 19/5

To subtract these numbers, we need to find a common denominator. The denominator of 19/5 is already 5, so no further conversion is necessary.

-17.65 = -17.65 * 5/5 = -88.25/5

Now we can subtract the fractions:
-88.25/5 - 19/5 = - (88.25 + 19) / 5 = - 107.25 / 5

The new elevation relative to sea level is -107.25/5 meters, which can be simplified to -21.45 meters.

Thus, Timothy's new elevation relative to sea level is -21.45 meters.