Because the first section of the book is seen through the eyes of a metally handicapped man

, the narrative style and language used in this section are unique and distinctive. The sentences are often fragmented, and there are frequent grammatical errors. The reader gets a sense of the protagonist's mental state through his thought process and speech. The language and sentence structure reflect his limited understanding and difficulty in expressing himself.

For example, the character may use incorrect verb tenses or mix up the order of words in a sentence. He may also struggle with pronouns and have difficulty forming coherent thoughts. This use of language helps to create a realistic portrayal of the character's mental condition.

In addition to the language, the narrative style may also include repetition of certain phrases or ideas. This reflects the character's limited vocabulary and tendency to latch onto certain thoughts or concepts. It also serves to reinforce the character's perspective and the challenges he faces in understanding and communicating with the world around him.

Overall, the first section of the book provides a unique insight into the character's mental handicaps through the use of specific language and narrative style. This creates a distinct reading experience and helps the reader to empathize with the character's struggles and limitations.