Chanille has a credit card with a $6,000 limit. She charges $750 every month for clothes, but she can only pay back $300 a month. How many months until her card reaches or exceeds its limit?

14 months

20 months

13 months

8 months

To find out how many months it takes for Chanille's card to reach or exceed its limit, we will set up an equation.

Let's assume the number of months it takes for her card to reach or exceed its limit is "x".

For each month, Chanille charges $750 and pays back $300. Therefore, the balance on her credit card increases by $750 - $300 = $<<750-300=450>>450 every month.

Since her initial balance is $0 and she cannot exceed her $6,000 limit, we can form the equation: 450x ≤ 6000

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 450, we get:
x ≤ 13.33

Since x must be a whole number (representing the number of months), the minimum number of months it takes for Chanille's card to reach or exceed its limit is 14 months.

Therefore, the correct answer is 14 months.