Use the excerpt to answer the question.

At the beginning of the era of the Surem, nobody knew the name of the sun and they wanted a name for it. For this reason they held a council on the bank of the Surem River. Everyone gave his opinion but no name was found for the sun. Every day they studied the matter. They did not know if it were man or woman and so they couldn't decide whether it would be best to give it a male or female name. The Surem could not agree. They finally invited all the animals of the world to come to a council
What does the use of animals show about the Yaquis?

The use of animals in the council shows that the Yaquis, the people referred to as the Surem in the excerpt, have a deep connection with nature and a belief in the wisdom and guidance that can come from the animal world. They value the perspectives and input of all living beings, recognizing their potential to contribute to decision-making processes.