by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Write a 2 paragraph essay 9th grade literature

In the short story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., the author presents a dystopian society where equality is taken to the extreme. Set in the year 2081, the government enforces laws and regulations to ensure that no one is more intelligent, attractive, or physically advantaged than anyone else. In this society, individuals with above-average qualities are forced to wear handicaps that limit their abilities, thus creating a level playing field for all. The story follows the life of George and Hazel Bergeron, whose son Harrison rebels against the oppressive system and pays the ultimate price. Through this satirical tale, Vonnegut illustrates the dangers of extreme equality, warning readers of the inherent loss of individuality and freedom that comes with it.

Through the character of Harrison, Vonnegut highlights the potential for greatness that can be suppressed when conformity is prioritized over uniqueness. Harrison, described as "a genius and an athlete," is exceptionally intelligent and physically extraordinary, making him a threat to the existing order. However, instead of acknowledging his exceptional qualities and nurturing his potential, society forces Harrison to wear a variety of physical and mental handicaps. This infringement on individuality ultimately leads to Harrison's rebellion against the repressive system. Vonnegut's story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of sacrificing individuality for the sake of equality, urging readers to value diversity and recognize the importance of embracing uniqueness in society.