What must a straight news story always provide?

A straight news story must always provide the following elements:

1. Accurate and factual information: A news story should present information that is verified and true. Journalists strive to gather reliable and trustworthy information from credible sources.

2. Objectivity: Straight news stories should be unbiased and impartial, providing information in a neutral manner without personal opinions or biases influencing the reporting.

3. Who, what, when, where, why, and how: A news story should address the key questions and provide details about the people involved (who), the events (what), the timing (when), the location (where), the reasons behind the events (why), and the methods or processes (how) involved.

4. Context and background: A news story should offer relevant context or background information to help readers understand the significance or relevance of the events being reported. This may include historical context, previous related incidents, or relevant statistics.

5. Balanced perspectives: A straight news story should strive to present a balanced view by including multiple perspectives or opinions from relevant stakeholders involved in the event or issue being reported.

6. Quotes and attributions: Journalists should include direct quotes and properly attribute them to the individuals who made them. This allows readers to hear directly from the people involved and ensures transparency and accountability.

7. Clear and concise writing style: A news story should be written in a clear, concise, and easily understandable manner. Journalists should avoid unnecessary jargon or complex language, ensuring that the information is accessible to a wide range of readers.

8. Well-structured organization: A news story should have a clear structure, typically following the inverted pyramid style, where the most important information is presented first, followed by supporting details in descending order of importance.

9. Proper sourcing: Journalists should provide proper sourcing for the information presented in the news story. This includes citing reliable sources, such as official statements, expert opinions, research studies, or eyewitness accounts.

10. Transparency and accountability: A straight news story should promote transparency by disclosing any potential conflicts of interest and maintaining ethical standards of journalism. Corrections or updates should be promptly issued if any errors are identified.