
this a thesis statement?

Given the large number of students without access to four-year colleges, how can the federal government make community colleges more affordable and competitive?

(1 point)




Which sentence is more formal?(1 point)


Kaya hoped to invest in Marie's new technology company, but she missed the opportunity.
Kaya hoped to invest in Marie's new technology company, but she missed the opportunity.

Kaya hoped to invest in Marie's new technology company, but that ship has sailed.

Kaya hoped to invest in Marie's new technology company, but she missed the opportunity.

Which sentence is more formal?(1 point)


The silkworm isn't technically a worm at all; despite its name, it's the larva, or early form, of the silk moth.
The silkworm isn't technically a worm at all; despite its name, it's the larva, or early form, of the silk moth.

Despite its name, the silkworm is not technically a worm at all; rather, it is the larva, or early form, of the silk moth

Despite its name, the silkworm is not technically a worm at all; rather, it is the larva, or early form, of the silk moth.

Select the word that means to trick or fool others.

In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, author Mark Twain created the quick-witted and incorrigible character of Tom Sawyer. Whatever his Aunt Polly tells Tom to do, Tom wants to do the opposite. One fine Saturday, Aunt Polly orders Tom to paint their front fence with whitewash. Tom is desperate to get out of the chore and quickly figures out how to bamboozle the neighborhood boys into doing it for him. By acting absorbed in his task and feigning reluctance to let anyone else take the paintbrush from him, Tom makes the job appear quite desirable. Before long, the other boys have fallen for the deceit and are begging to do Tom's chore.

(1 point)






Select the word that means offensive.

Many engineers have tried to develop environmentally friendly sources of electricity for homes and businesses. One interesting technology turns cow manure into electricity. Manure from cows or other farm animals is placed into an anaerobic digester, or oxygen-free tank, where it produces biogas. Biogas, composed primarily of methane, is then burned to generate electricity. This process can reduce the noisome odors from piles of cow manure, which often bring complaints from the dairy farms' neighbors. Despite some unanticipated glitches in the systems, governments continue to support "poop power" because of its enormous potential. The manure of one thousand cows can produce enough power for two hundred and fifty homes.

(1 point)






Read the claim below.

Nelson Mandela was one of the most inspiring people in history.

Select the two pieces of evidence that best support this claim.

(1 point)

Mandela led a campaign of peaceful, nonviolent protest that ended South Africa's racist policies.
Mandela led a campaign of peaceful, nonviolent protest that ended South Africa's racist policies.

Mandela spent twenty-seven years as a political prisoner before becoming South Africa's first black president.
Mandela spent twenty-seven years as a political prisoner before becoming South Africa's first black president.

Mandela died on December 5, 2013, in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the age of ninety-five.
Mandela died on December 5, 2013, in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the age of ninety-five.

Mandela's birth name was Rolihlahla—his English name, Nelson, was given to him by a teacher

Mandela led a campaign of peaceful, nonviolent protest that ended South Africa's racist policies.

Mandela spent twenty-seven years as a political prisoner before becoming South Africa's first black president.