The table shows the linear relationship between the number of hours Georgia worked at the tutoring center, x, and the amount of money Georgia earned, y.

Number of Hours Worked 3.2 4.7 6.2 7.7
Amount Earned $51.20 $75.20 $99.20 $123.20

What is the rate of change and what does it mean?

A. The rate of change is 24. Georgia earns $24 per hour that she tutors.The rate of change is 24. Georgia earns $24 per hour that she tutors.

B. The rate of change is 1.5. Georgia earns $1.50 per hour that she tutors.The rate of change is 1.5. Georgia earns $1.50 per hour that she tutors.

C. The rate of change is 16. Georgia earns $16 per hour that she tutors.The rate of change is 16. Georgia earns $16 per hour that she tutors.

D. The rate of change is 8. Georgia earns $8 per hour that she tutors.

The correct answer is D. The rate of change is 8. Georgia earns $8 per hour that she tutors.

The rate of change represents how much the dependent variable (in this case, the amount of money earned) changes for every one-unit increase in the independent variable (in this case, the number of hours worked). In this scenario, for every one-hour increase in the number of hours worked, Georgia earns $8 more.