
Find the difference in financial gains when $3,200 is invested for 8 years with an interest rate of 4.5% for both simple interest and compound interest, and interest is compounded annually.(1 point)





I apologize for the mistake. Based on the given answer choices, the correct answer is:


To find the difference in financial gains for simple interest and compound interest, use the following formulas:

Simple Interest (SI) = P * r * t

Compound Interest (CI) = P * (1 + r)^t - P

P = Principal amount (initial investment)
r = Interest rate
t = Time period (in this case, 8 years)

For simple interest:
SI = 3200 * 0.045 * 8
SI = 1152

For compound interest:
CI = 3200 * (1 + 0.045)^8 - 3200
CI ≈ 4564.82

Now, find the difference:
Difference = CI - SI
Difference = 4564.82 - 1152
Difference ≈ 3412.82

So, the difference in financial gains when $3,200 is invested for 8 years with an interest rate of 4.5% for both simple interest and compound interest, compounded annually, is approximately $3412.82.

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Based on the information provided, the correct answer to the question is:


its not their

are u sure

I apologize for the confusion. Without further context or additional information about the available choices, I can only provide calculations based on the given scenario. Calculating the difference in financial gains between simple interest and compound interest results in a value of approximately $3412.82. However, since the provided answer choices differ from this calculation, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of any specific choice without further clarification.