Independence in Spnish and Portuguese speaking Latin America accompanied:

A. The maintenance of many colonial traditions

B. Widespread social change

C. The abolition of slavery

D. The adoption of democratic principles.

B is best.

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the context. The question asks about the accompanying factors during the independence period in Spanish and Portuguese speaking Latin America.

Independence in Latin America occurred in the early 19th century as countries in the region sought to free themselves from Spanish and Portuguese colonial rule.

Let's analyze the options:

A. The maintenance of many colonial traditions:
During the independence period, there was a desire among Latin American countries to break away from their colonial past and establish their own identity. While some aspects of colonial traditions might have lingered, the main goal of independence was to create a new society separate from the influence of the former colonial powers. Therefore, option A is not the best answer.

B. Widespread social change:
The struggle for independence in Latin America was often accompanied by social unrest and movements that aimed to overturn the hierarchical structure of colonial society. The desire for self-governance and independence led to efforts to rethink and transform traditional social structures. Therefore, option B is a strong possibility.

C. The abolition of slavery:
The issue of slavery played a significant role during the independence period in Latin America. In some cases, the abolition of slavery was a key aspect of the independence movement, while in others, it remained unresolved. While the abolition of slavery did occur in some Latin American countries, it was not a universal trend or a defining characteristic of the independence period. Therefore, option C is not the best answer.

D. The adoption of democratic principles:
The adoption of democratic principles is closely associated with the ideals of independence, as many Latin American countries sought to establish their own systems of governance and self-determination. While the path to democracy was not always smooth, the desire for representative government and participation in decision-making was an important aspect of the independence movement. Therefore, option D is also a strong possibility.

To sum up, both options B (widespread social change) and D (the adoption of democratic principles) are valid contenders as factors accompanying independence in Spanish and Portuguese speaking Latin America. However, since the question asks for the best answer, option B is more accurate as it encompasses the broader societal changes that occurred during this period, including political, economic, and cultural transformations.