The total cost in dollars to buy uniforms for the players on a volleyball team can be found using the function `c=30.75u+5.75,`where `u` is the number of uniforms bought. If there are at least 8 players but not more than 12 players on the volleyball team, what is the domain of the function for this situation?


The correct domain for this situation is:

8 ≤ u ≤ 12

This means that the number of uniforms bought should be between 8 and 12 (inclusive) because the situation states that there are at least 8 players but not more than 12 players on the volleyball team.

The other options mentioned (0<u≤12, 0<c≤374.75, {8,9,10,11,12}, {251.75,282.50,313.25,344,374.74}) do not accurately describe the domain of the function for this situation.