The table below shows the dimensions of two colored cubes.

Dimensions of Cubes
Cube Side (cm) Mass
Red 4 12
Green 3 10

Which cube is denser?
a Red, because it has more volume and more amount of matter.
b Green, because it has less volume and less amount of matter.
c Red, because it has less volume and more amount of matter.
d Green, because it has less volume and more amount of matter.

To determine which cube is denser, we need to calculate the density of each cube using the formula: density = mass / volume.

The volume of a cube can be calculated using the formula: volume = side^3.

For the Red cube, the volume = 4^3 = 64 cm^3 and the mass = 12 g. Therefore, the density of the Red cube is 12 g / 64 cm^3 = 0.1875 g/cm^3.

For the Green cube, the volume = 3^3 = 27 cm^3 and the mass = 10 g. Therefore, the density of the Green cube is 10 g / 27 cm^3 = 0.3704 g/cm^3.

Comparing the densities, we can see that the Green cube has a higher density than the Red cube. Therefore, the correct answer is:

d Green, because it has less volume and more amount of matter.