How many grams of 5% cream can you prepare by mixing 60g of 5% cream with 2% cream

To find the amount of 5% cream that can be prepared by mixing 60g of 5% cream with 2% cream, we need to use a weighted average formula.

Let's assume we need to mix x grams of 5% cream with 60g of 2% cream.

The amount of cream (in grams) in the 5% cream is:

The amount of cream (in grams) in the 2% cream is:
0.02 * 60 = 1.2g

The total amount of cream (in grams) in the mixture is:
x + 60

Since we want the resulting cream to be 5% of the total mixture, we can set up the following equation:

0.05x = 0.05 * (x + 60) = 1.2

0.05x = 1.2

Dividing both sides by 0.05:

x = 1.2 / 0.05 = 24

Therefore, you can prepare 24 grams of 5% cream by mixing 60g of 5% cream with 2% cream.