Why would you illustrate while you read?

to entertain yourself

to make inferences

to help you focus

to recall information

There are several reasons why people might choose to illustrate while they read:

1. To entertain yourself: Illustrating while reading can be a fun and creative way to engage with the text. It allows you to visualize the story or concepts in your own unique way, which can make the reading experience more enjoyable.

2. To make inferences: Creating illustrations while reading can help you make inferences about the text. By visualizing and representing key ideas or scenes through drawings, you can better understand and connect different elements within the story.

3. To help you focus: Some people find that drawing or doodling while reading helps them maintain focus and concentration. It can serve as a way to occupy the hands and tap into the visual learning style, making it easier to maintain engagement with the material.

4. To recall information: Engaging in visual note-taking by illustrating while reading can aid in information recall. The act of visually representing ideas and concepts can enhance memory retention and make it easier to remember key points or details later on.

Overall, illustrating while reading can be a personal preference that enhances the reading experience, facilitates comprehension, and fosters creativity.