Could you please check these and help me with #s 10, 14, 15, 17, and 18. I'm sorry but I just don't understand these. I read the textbook but still nothing. Thanks for all the help:)))

Directions: Use the clues to help you figure out the missing word.

1. Tu vas où pour faire enregistrer les bagages? --Au comptoir de la compagnie --------.
Answer: aérienne.

2. Vous voulez une place côte -------. ou côte fenêtre?
Answer: couloir

3. L'avion va décoller. Il est sur la -----------.

4. Le -------- fait une annonce avant le décollage.
Answer: pilote

5. Christine met ses bagages à main sous le ----------.
Answer: siège

6. C'est un vol --------. Il faut avoir un passeport.
Answer: international

7. Avant l'arrivée, je ------ une care de débarquement.
Answer: remplis

8. Il est dix heures du soir. Les enfants ------ dans la chambre à coucher.
Answer: dortent

9. On ne peut pas fumer pendant le vol. C'est un vol non-------------
Answer: fumeurs

10. Madeleine -------- son passeport de son sac à dos.

11. L'avion part à l'heure?-- Non, il a du --------.

13. Voilà votre carte d'----------. L'avion part de la porte 15.
Answer: embarquement

14. Un vol de Boston à New York, c'est un vol----------.

15.Les passagers --------- le repas par un café.

16. Avant le vol, tous les passagers font ------- leurs bagages.
Answer: enregistrer

17. L'avion part. Il ---------.

18. Je regarde l' --------- pour vérifier l'heure l'heure de départ de mon vol.

19. Un steward va -------- les plateaux après le repas.
Answer: ramasser

20. L'avion atterrit à l'-------- Charles de Gaulle.
Answer: aéroport

- :){Lisa}

8. Dorment (présent, troisième personne au pluriel)

10. sort (takes out, verbe sortir, présent, troisième personne au singulier)

14. It's a direct flight

15. They finish the meal with a coffee.

17. The airplane departs and takes off.

18. l'horaire.

Bon travail!

For question 18 it's actually a crossword puzzle and the word is only a 5 letter word.

#7 = "- une care" c'est, sand doute, "une carte?"

11 = Il a dû être en ? = It must be late, or are you to supply only ONE word. We always need to see the directions of what you are to do.

Où est #12?

#18 = l'heure? At least with the l' you know the 5-letter word must begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or unsounded h .

Sra (aka Mme)

Sure, I can help you with questions 10, 14, 15, 17, and 18.

10. Madeleine -------- son passeport de son sac à dos.
To figure out the missing word, we need to understand what Madeleine is doing with her passport. The verb "trouve" means "find" in French. So, the missing word should be the form of "trouve" that corresponds to Madeleine. The verb form we need here is the third-person singular form, which is "trouve" with an "e" at the end. Therefore, the answer is "trouve".

14. Un vol de Boston à New York, c'est un vol----------.
To determine the missing word, we need to understand what kind of flight it is from Boston to New York. The word "international" means "international" in French, and it is used to refer to flights between different countries. However, since both Boston and New York are in the same country (the United States), the appropriate word here should be the opposite of "international". The opposite of "international" is "national". Therefore, the answer is "national".

15. Les passagers --------- le repas par un café.
In order to fill in the missing word, we need to understand what the passengers are doing with the meal. The verb "commencent" means "start" in French. So, the missing word should be the form of "commencent" that corresponds to "les passagers". The verb form we need here is the third-person plural form, which is "commencent" without any changes. Therefore, the answer is "commencent".

17. L'avion part. Il ---------.
To determine the missing word, we need to understand what happens when the plane departs. The verb "vole" means "fly" in French. So, the missing word should be the form of "vole" that corresponds to "l'avion". The verb form we need here is the third-person singular form, which is "vole" without any changes. Therefore, the answer is "vole".

18. Je regarde l' --------- pour vérifier l'heure de départ de mon vol.
To figure out the missing word, we need to understand what the person is looking at to check the departure time of their flight. The noun "écran" means "screen" in French. Therefore, the answer is "écran".

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.