Why was the radio amor significant innovation than the Victrola

A. The radio allowed for a variety of live entertainment.
B. Radios are much cheaper than victrolas and records
C. The radio was developed several decades after the Victrola.
D. What kind of music were available on the radio then records?

The correct answers are:

A. The radio allowed for a variety of live entertainment.
C. The radio was developed several decades after the Victrola.

The radio was a significant innovation compared to the Victrola because it allowed for broadcasted live entertainment, such as news, music, and radio shows. It provided a wider range of options and real-time content compared to the Victrola, which only played pre-recorded records.

B. Radios are much cheaper than Victrolas and records is not a correct answer as the cost comparison between radios and Victrolas depends on the specific models and features of the devices, and the cost of records can vary as well.

D. The question asks about the music available on the radio compared to records, but the options provided do not address this question. The answer to that specific question would be that both radios and records allowed for a wide variety of music, with radios having the advantage of playing live music broadcasts in addition to pre-recorded music.