So let's say we are going to talk to Monlyer and I tell him that we don't care if he isn't strong. Friends are friends, and he should not lie anymore. What would we get? Nothing but curses and insults, but alas, I don't care. I would rather tell him this. We thought of helping you, but no, you prefer to take care of yourself. You insult us and curse, which is always wrong. So suck on your own sadness and lies, for we know you well. Once a liar, always a liar!

What would you have done...

If I were in this situation, I would approach the conversation with Monlyer in a more understanding and compassionate manner. Instead of using confrontational and insulting language, I would try to express my concern for his well-being and offer my support.

I would say something like:

"Hey Monlyer, I wanted to talk to you about something that has been bothering me. I've noticed that you've been putting up a strong front, but it's okay to admit when you're not feeling strong or needing help. Friends are here to support each other, no matter what. I understand that you might have your reasons for not being honest with us, but it's important to know that lying and insulting others is not the solution.

We genuinely care about you and want to help, but it becomes difficult when you push us away and respond with negativity. We want to be there for you, but we also need you to be open and honest with us. This way, we can work towards finding a solution together.

Remember, we all have our struggles, and it's okay to lean on each other during tough times. So, how about we try being more open and understanding? We're here to support you, Monlyer, but it takes mutual trust and honesty to make our friendship stronger."

Approaching the situation with empathy, understanding, and a sincere desire to help can foster a more constructive and positive conversation.