Which sentence has the clearest meaning?(1 point) Responses

There is a pair of rain boots in the hallway.

There is a pair of rain boots.

A pair of rain boots is in there.

There is a pair of boots.

The sentence "There is a pair of rain boots in the hallway." has the clearest meaning.

Use the passage Pick Up Sticks to answer the question.

Pick Up Sticks
Which of the following is an example of robots being better explorers than humans? (1 point) Responses

gravity reshaping human muscles and organs

low temperatures causing mechanical failures

robots losing contact with scientists

creating problems in rover landings

None of the given options from the passage "Pick Up Sticks" provide an example of robots being better explorers than humans.

Just pick one a b c or d

If I had to choose one option, I would select option C: robots losing contact with scientists. While not explicitly stated in the passage, it is possible that robots, with their ability to withstand harsh environments and communicate remotely, may be better equipped to explore areas where maintaining direct human contact is difficult or impossible.