Typical annual playtime for a full-time management position in fort Worth Texas is 121991 the living hourly wage for one adult with three children in the area is 53.30 how much higher is the equivalent hourly wage than the living hourly wage rounded to the nearest 2 decimal place


To find the equivalent hourly wage for a full-time management position in Fort Worth, Texas, we divide the typical annual playtime (121,991) by the number of working hours in a year.

Number of working hours in a year = 52 weeks x 40 hours/week = 2,080 hours

Equivalent hourly wage = Typical annual playtime / Number of working hours in a year
Equivalent hourly wage = 121,991 / 2,080
Equivalent hourly wage ≈ 58.65

To find the difference between the equivalent hourly wage and the living hourly wage, we subtract the living hourly wage from the equivalent hourly wage.

Difference = Equivalent hourly wage - Living hourly wage
Difference ≈ 58.65 - 53.30
Difference ≈ 5.35

Rounded to the nearest two decimal places, the difference between the equivalent hourly wage and the living hourly wage is $5.35.

Therefore, the answer is $5.35.