Order the scientific notation values into the correct order to largest to smallest

Largest —>
Middle-est —>

Drag and drop
8.24*10^8, 7.4*10^9, 7.4*10^8

Smallest: 8.24*10^8

Middle: 7.4*10^8
Largest: 7.4*10^9

Right an equation from slope intercept form (y=mx+b) from the table below.

x y
0 5
2 1
4 -3
6 -7

The equation of the table should be: y=_x+_

To find the equation in slope-intercept form (y=mx+b), we need to determine the values of the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b).

First, let's calculate the slope (m) using the formula:
m = (change in y) / (change in x)

Using the given points (0, 5) and (2, 1):
(change in y) = 1 - 5 = -4
(change in x) = 2 - 0 = 2

So, the slope (m) is -4/2 = -2.

Next, let's find the y-intercept (b) by substituting one of the points (x, y) into the slope-intercept form equation.
Let's use the point (0, 5):
y = mx + b
5 = -2(0) + b
5 = b

Therefore, the y-intercept (b) is 5.

Now we can write the equation in slope-intercept form:
y = -2x + 5

Multiply in Scientific Notation. Be sure to write your answer with the multiplication ‘x’



To multiply numbers in scientific notation, we need to multiply the two numbers and add their exponents.

(1.25*10^5)*(9.2*10^2) can be expressed as:

1.25 * 9.2 * 10^5 * 10^2

When multiplying the numbers, we get:

1.25 * 9.2 = 11.5

To multiply the powers of 10, we add the exponents:

10^5 * 10^2 = 10^(5+2) = 10^7

Therefore, the product in scientific notation is:

11.5 * 10^7

Writing this as multiplication, we have:

11.5 x 10^7

Solve the following inequality



To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable x.

5x + 4 < 12

Subtract 4 from both sides:

5x < 12 - 4

5x < 8

Now, divide both sides by 5:

x < 8/5

So, the solution to the inequality is:

x < 1.6