Cell phones are positive part of modern life because of their ability to connect with friends and family access information and even seek help in emergencies it is crucial for individuals to have constant access to the internet social media and important context cell phones provide a sense of security that convenience allow people to stay connected and inform no matter where they are it is evident that cell phones are vital tools that have greatly impacted and produced modern society and one to two sentences explain which words or phrases can be added to paragraph to increase its cohension and why the words and phrases would increase cohension

To increase the cohesion of the paragraph, words or phrases such as "Furthermore," "In addition," "Moreover," "For instance," "Additionally," "Moreover," "Furthermore," "In fact," "Moreover," "Not only that," "Another point is," can be added. These words and phrases would increase cohesion by providing transitional markers that connect the ideas and points being presented, making the paragraph flow more smoothly and logically.