What was the result of the embargo Jefferson declared against Britain in 1807?

It caused a substantial increase in profits for American merchants.

It disrupted the British economy and closed British factories.

It angered American voters and led to increased Federalist support.

None of the above statements are completely accurate. The result of the embargo Jefferson declared against Britain in 1807 was primarily negative for the United States. The Embargo Act of 1807 aimed to punish Britain and France for their ongoing conflicts by preventing American ships from trading with foreign nations. However, it ended up hurting the American economy more than its intended targets. The embargo led to a significant decline in American exports, causing widespread economic hardship for American merchants, especially in New England. It also resulted in a rise in smuggling and illegal trade, further undermining the effectiveness of the embargo. Additionally, the Embargo Act was highly unpopular among American voters, particularly in the trading states, and contributed to increased support for the Federalist party, which opposed the embargo and criticized President Jefferson's policies.