Discuss how Spanish adjectives work and what is important to remember about them and their location in a sentence.  Write your answer in English.(4 points)

Spanish adjectives generally come after the noun they modify. This is different from English where adjectives usually come before the noun. For example, instead of saying "the red car," in Spanish we say "el coche rojo."

It is important to remember that Spanish adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. This means that if the noun is feminine, the adjective must also be feminine. Likewise, if the noun is plural, the adjective must also be plural. For example, if we want to describe a group of feminine friends, we would say "amigas simpáticas" (feminine and plural) instead of "amigos simpáticos" (masculine and plural).

Additionally, when multiple adjectives are used to describe the same noun, they are usually separated by commas. For example, we could say "una casa grande, bonita y moderna" to mean "a big, beautiful, and modern house."

Overall, understanding the gender and number agreement in Spanish adjectives and their placement after the noun is important to ensure correct and coherent sentence construction.

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Spanish adjectives come after the noun they modify, unlike English. They must agree in gender and number. Multiple adjectives are separated by commas. Understanding these rules is important for constructing correct sentences.