tamara measures the heights of 8 family members to the nearest eighth inch and creates a data set shown.

{66 1/2, 62 3/4, 67, 71/1/8, 70 1/2, 68 7/8, 65 1/4, 67 3/8}

What os the range of the heights, in inches, of the tamara's family members

To find the range of the heights, we need to subtract the smallest value from the largest value in the data set.

The smallest value is 62 3/4 inches and the largest value is 71 1/8 inches.

Converting these fractions to a common denominator of 8, we have:
62 3/4 = (8*62 + 3)/4 = 495/8
71 1/8 = (8*71 + 1)/8 = 569/8

So, the range of the heights is (569/8) - (495/8) = 74/8 = 9 1/8.

Therefore, the range of the heights of Tamara's family members is 9 1/8 inches.