Lindsay practices the guitar for 50 minutes on Saturday and and 30 minutes on most week days. She practiced for 140 minutes this week, how many week days did she practice. Write the equation in the form of px+q=r

Let x be the number of weekdays Lindsay practiced.

The total time she practiced on weekdays is 30x minutes.
She practiced for 50 minutes on Saturday.
The total time she practiced this week is 30x + 50 minutes.
Setting it equal to 140 minutes, we have 30x + 50 = 140.
Subtracting 50 from both sides, we get 30x = 90.
Dividing both sides by 30, we get x = 3.
So Lindsay practiced on 3 weekdays.

Can you make that into an equation


Let p be the number of weekdays Lindsay practiced.

The total time she practiced on weekdays is 30p minutes.
She practiced for 50 minutes on Saturday.
The total time she practiced this week is 30p + 50 minutes.
Setting it equal to 140 minutes, we have 30p + 50 = 140.
Subtracting 50 from both sides, we get 30p = 90.
Dividing both sides by 30, we get p = 3.
So the equation is: 30p + 50 = 140.