Solve the equation below for c, and double check 50푐 + 20 = 2푐 + 5

To solve the equation 50c + 20 = 2c + 5 for c, we want to isolate the variable c on one side of the equation.

First, let's simplify the equation by combining like terms:

50c + 20 = 2c + 5

Next, let's move the constant terms to the other side of the equation:

50c - 2c = 5 - 20

Simplifying further:

48c = -15

Now, to solve for c, divide both sides of the equation by 48:

c = (-15) / 48

Simplifying the fraction gives us the solution:

c = -5/16

Now let's double-check the solution by substituting c = -5/16 back into the original equation:

50c + 20 = 2c + 5

50(-5/16) + 20 = 2(-5/16) + 5

Simplifying both sides:

((-250)/16) + 20 = (-10/16) + 5

Multiplying the first term by 16/16 to get a common denominator:

(-250 + 320)/16 = (-10 + 80)/16

Simplifying both sides:

70/16 = 70/16

The left side of the equation is equal to the right side, confirming that c = -5/16 is indeed the solution to the equation.