Part A

A snack bar sells two sizes of snack packs. A large snack pack is $5, and a small snack pack is $3. In one day, the snack bar sold 60 snack packs for a total of $220.

Write a system of equations that represents the scenario above. Let x = small snack packs and y = large snack packs.

Part B

How many small snack packs did the snack bar sell? Use the Elimination Method to solve. You must show work.

Part A:

Let x = small snack packs
Let y = large snack packs

The total number of snack packs sold is 60:
x + y = 60

The total amount earned from selling snack packs is $220:
3x + 5y = 220

Part B:

To solve for the number of small snack packs (x), we can use the elimination method.

Multiply the first equation (x + y = 60) by -3:
-3x - 3y = -180

Add this equation to the second equation (3x + 5y = 220):
-3x - 3y + 3x + 5y = -180 + 220
2y = 40

Divide both sides of the equation by 2:
2y/2 = 40/2
y = 20

Substitute the value of y back into the first equation:
x + 20 = 60
x = 40

Therefore, the snack bar sold 40 small snack packs.