What is the service call for keeping the RTOS hear beat going on?

Is it Tick?

Yes, in many real-time operating systems (RTOS), the service call or function responsible for keeping the RTOS heartbeat going is commonly referred to as "Tick." The Tick function is often called periodically by the RTOS kernel or scheduler to maintain system timing, update system timers, and perform other time-dependent tasks. The Tick is a fundamental component for scheduling and management in an RTOS.

What is the service call for keeping the RTOS hear beat going on?

The specific service call or function for keeping the RTOS heartbeat going can vary depending on the RTOS being used. In some RTOS, it may be called "Tick," as mentioned earlier, but in others, it may be called a different name.

For example, in the popular RTOS such as FreeRTOS, the service call for maintaining the heartbeat is often referred to as the "tick interrupt" or simply the "tick." It usually operates by using a hardware timer or a software timer interrupt that generates periodic interrupts at a fixed interval. This interrupt is responsible for updating system time, managing task scheduling, and performing other time-sensitive operations.

In different RTOS or custom implementations, the service call for sustaining the RTOS heartbeat may have different names, such as "system tick," "scheduler tick," or any other term chosen by the RTOS developers. It is essential to consult the documentation or specific implementation details of the RTOS being used to identify the exact service call for maintaining the RTOS heartbeat.