Based on the size of the Inca Empire on the map, what form of infrastructure would have been crucial to managing their economy?(5 points) Responses A system of roads and bridges to connect the empire together and allow transportation from one end to the other. A system of roads and bridges to connect the empire together and allow transportation from one end to the other. A system of railroads and airports to transport goods quickly from one end of the empire to the other. A system of railroads and airports to transport goods quickly from one end of the empire to the other. A system of port cities to transport goods from one end of the empire to the other. A system of port cities to transport goods from one end of the empire to the other. A system of canals to connect the empire to the Amazon River Basin.

The most crucial form of infrastructure that would have been crucial to managing the economy of the Inca Empire based on the size of the empire on the map is:

1. A system of roads and bridges to connect the empire together and allow transportation from one end to the other.