Why did Europeans want to explore the Western Hemisphere in the 15th century?

What did people in Europe desire as a result of the Crusades?
Why did they want to find a direct sea route to Asia?
What group of people were the most responsible for trade between the 7th and 14th centuries?
What is cultural diffusion?
What system was created because of the decline in native population in South America?
What were the main Enlightenment ideas of John Locke?
Why do we not know a lot about the Indus River Valley civilization?
What did Genghis Khan do for the Mongols?
Who were the Aryans and why were they important?
What were the two most important materials in the Aztec economy?
What do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common?
What are the different roles of the people in the European Feudal system?
Who are Newton and Galileo? What Revolution were they a major part of?
How did early civilizations adapt to their environment?
How many people did the Bubonic Plague kill, of Europe’s population?
What was a positive result, in the labor market, from the Bubonic Plague?
How did the Crusades impact the Muslim lands?
What happened to the Zhou Dynasty?
Why are Hammurabi’s Code of laws important?
What happened to trade to Europe after the fall of Constantinople?
Who are the Olmecs?
What did the slave trade look like prior to European influence?
What happened to the Mughal Empire?
What happened to society after the manorial system declined in Europe, during the Middle Ages?
What is Confucianism?
Explain the importance of aquaducts to the Romans.
Why was Galileo put under house arrest?
Why is Latin important, if you are a lawyer or doctor?
What item do we still use today, that was created in the Han Dynasty of China?
Describe the Gupta Empire of ancient India.
Why was the Byzantine Empire different than the rest of Europe?
What contributed to the expansion of the slave trade after the 1500s?
What is the Pax Mongolica? How is it similar to the Pax Romanica?
Why was Chandragupta Maurya so important to the Mauryan Empire?
What determines your class in the Hindu belief’s caste system? What is this concept called?
Which social classes could own land in the Aztec culture?
What was the purpose of studying astronomy in the Mayan civilization?
How did printing help with travel to the New World?
How did King Ashoka’s behavior change after the Battle of Kalinga?
What goods were introduced to Europe as a result of the Crusades?
Why were ziggurats important to ancient Mesopotamia? What did they represent?
Who are the Hittites and why are they important?
How did the Silk Road help cultural diffusion, besides trade of goods?
What culture is associated with the “colossal heads” in La Venta?
What other characteristics are associated with the culture referenced in #45?

1. Europeans wanted to explore the Western Hemisphere in the 15th century to find new trade routes, wealth, and resources.

2. People in Europe desired control over the Holy Land and the ability to protect Christian pilgrims as a result of the Crusades.
3. They wanted to find a direct sea route to Asia to avoid the costly and dangerous overland routes.
4. The Arabs and later the Venetians were the most responsible for trade between the 7th and 14th centuries.
5. Cultural diffusion refers to the spread and exchange of cultural ideas, customs, and artifacts between different societies.
6. The encomienda system was created in South America due to the decline in the native population and the need for labor for plantations and mines.
7. John Locke's main Enlightenment ideas included the concept of natural rights, the social contract, and the government's responsibility to protect those rights.
8. We do not know a lot about the Indus River Valley civilization because their written language has not yet been deciphered.
9. Genghis Khan unified the Mongol tribes and led them in conquering a vast empire, establishing the Mongol Empire.
10. The Aryans were a group of Indo-European people who migrated to the Indian subcontinent. They were important because they were instrumental in developing the Vedic culture, which laid the foundation for Hinduism.
11. The two most important materials in the Aztec economy were cacao beans and cotton textiles.
12. Hinduism and Buddhism have in common the belief in karma and rebirth, but they differ in their views on the existence of a permanent self and the path to liberation.
13. Different roles in the European Feudal system included kings, nobles, knights, peasants, and serfs, each with specific rights and responsibilities.
14. Newton and Galileo were prominent scientists who made significant contributions to the scientific revolution and the development of modern physics and astronomy.
15. Early civilizations adapted to their environment by practicing agriculture, building irrigation systems, constructing shelter, and developing social and political systems.
16. The Bubonic Plague killed an estimated 25 million to 75 million people, or about 30% to 60% of Europe's population.
17. A positive result of the Bubonic Plague in the labor market was an increase in demand for workers, leading to improved wages and conditions for surviving laborers.
18. The Crusades had a significant impact on the Muslim lands, leading to the loss of territories, cultural exchange, and increased tensions between Muslims and Christians.
19. The Zhou Dynasty gradually lost control, leading to a period of Chinese disunity known as the Warring States period.
20. Hammurabi's Code of laws is important because it is one of the earliest known legal codes and provided a set of rules to govern society in ancient Mesopotamia.
21. After the fall of Constantinople, trade routes to Europe shifted, leading to the opening of new trade routes, which contributed to the Age of Exploration.
22. The Olmecs were an ancient civilization in Mesoamerica known for their monumental architecture, sculptures, and development of the Mesoamerican ballgame.
23. Prior to European influence, the slave trade in Africa primarily involved the trading of slaves within Africa and the Middle East.
24. The Mughal Empire declined due to internal conflicts, economic stagnation, and invasions by European powers.
25. After the decline of the manorial system in Europe, society saw the rise of a middle class, increased urbanization, and the emergence of new economic and social structures.
26. Confucianism is a Chinese philosophy and ethical system that emphasizes the importance of maintaining social harmony, filial piety, and moral conduct.
27. Aqueducts were important to the Romans as they provided a reliable water supply to cities, enabling urban development and supporting agriculture and sanitation systems.
28. Galileo was put under house arrest because his support for the heliocentric model of the universe challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church at the time.
29. Latin is important for lawyers and doctors because it forms the basis of many legal and medical terms and helps in understanding the historical context of laws and medical practices.
30. The compass was invented during the Han Dynasty of China, and it is still used today for navigation.
31. The Gupta Empire was a golden age of Indian civilization known for its advances in mathematics, science, medicine, literature, and art.
32. The Byzantine Empire was different than the rest of Europe due to its continuation of the Roman tradition, the influence of Greek culture, and its role as a center of Orthodox Christianity.
33. The expansion of the slave trade after the 1500s was due to the growing demand for labor in the New World colonies, particularly in plantation agriculture.
34. The Pax Mongolica refers to a period of relative stability and peace facilitated by the Mongol Empire's control over the routes of the Silk Road. It is similar to the Pax Romana, a period of peace under the Roman Empire.
35. Chandragupta Maurya was important to the Mauryan Empire as he founded it and established its capital at Pataliputra.
36. In the Hindu belief's caste system, one's class is determined by birth and is known as varna.
37. In the Aztec culture, the noble class, the commoners, and the serfs were the social classes that could own land.
38. Studying astronomy in the Mayan civilization was important for understanding celestial events, such as eclipses and the movements of stars and planets, which were believed to affect human affairs.
39. Printing helped with travel to the New World by disseminating information about these new lands, including maps and descriptions, thus facilitating exploration and colonization.
40. King Ashoka's behavior changed after the Battle of Kalinga, as he renounced violence, embraced Buddhism, and adopted policies promoting peace and social welfare.
41. The Crusades introduced goods from the East, such as spices, silk, and precious metals, to Europe, stimulating trade and the desire for direct access to these goods.
42. Ziggurats were important religious and architectural structures in ancient Mesopotamia, representing a connection between the heavens and the earth and serving as a focal point for religious ceremonies.
43. The Hittites were an ancient civilization in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) known for their mastery of ironworking and their establishment of one of the first peace treaties in recorded history.
44. Besides the trade of goods, the Silk Road helped cultural diffusion by facilitating the exchange of ideas, religions, technologies, and languages between different civilizations.
45. The culture associated with the "colossal heads" in La Venta is the Olmec civilization.
46. Other characteristics associated with the Olmec culture include the development of a sophisticated calendar, monumental stone sculptures, and the cultivation of maize as a staple crop.