Sarah is writing a letter to her teachers with the claim that students should have less homework.

She has three pieces of evidence:

1. Students do not do their homework and play video games instead.

2. Students are staying up late completing homework and not getting enough sleep.

3. Students are doing poorly on homework because they aren’t learning about it in school.

In 1-2 sentences, identify which piece of evidence best supports Sarah's claim and explain why.

(2 points)

Short Answer Rubric (2 points)
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The answer is very clear.

The answer is fully supported by details.

There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics. Errors do not interfere with meaning.

The answer is somewhat clear.

Details are weak or not related.

There are some errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Errors interfere with meaning.

The question is not answered.

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The piece of evidence that best supports Sarah's claim is that students are staying up late completing homework and not getting enough sleep. This evidence shows that the amount of homework assigned is negatively impacting students' well-being and ability to get enough rest.