Population Distribution:

- Scattered (dispersed): Refers to the arrangement of people in a random or irregular manner across a given area. Important information includes the lack of concentration or clustering of population, individuals being spread out, and the presence of significant distances between households or settlements.

- Linear: Describes the distribution of people in a straight line or along a specific route or corridor. Key details to note are the presence of settlements or communities situated in a linear fashion, often following transportation routes or geographical features such as rivers or coasts.

- Clustered: Indicates the grouping or concentration of people in a particular area. It is important to highlight the existence of population clusters or agglomerations where individuals live in close proximity to each other. These clusters can range in size from small villages to large cities and may be influenced by factors such as availability of resources, economic opportunities, or historical factors. write in short

Scattered population distribution refers to people being spread out randomly across an area, with significant distances between households or settlements.

Linear population distribution describes people living in a straight line or along a specific route, often following transportation routes or geographical features.

Clustered population distribution refers to people living in close proximity to each other, forming clusters or agglomerations of various sizes, influenced by factors such as resources, economic opportunities, or historical factors.