what is said about the intimacy between Mary and Joseph? BIBLE\

In the Bible, the New Testament accounts briefly mention the relationship between Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of Jesus. It is mentioned that Joseph was Mary's husband, and they were engaged when Mary conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38).

The Bible does not provide details or discuss the intimate aspects of their relationship. Instead, the focus is primarily on their character, obedience, and faithfulness to God's plan. Mary and Joseph are depicted as righteous and devoted individuals who played key roles in the birth and upbringing of Jesus.

While the Bible does not delve into the specifics of their intimate relationship, it does emphasize their deep love, trust, and mutual respect for one another. Joseph's willingness to accept Mary and raise Jesus as his own son despite the apparent challenge to their traditional marital relationship is seen as a demonstration of his love and obedience to God.