For a family of 4, the estimated monthly cost of living in Fort Worth, Texas is $3,784. If there are 2 full-time working adults in the family, what is the average hourly living wage of each in order to support their basic needs? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. (1 point)

To determine the average hourly living wage for each adult, we need to divide the estimated monthly cost of living by the number of working hours in a month.

Let's assume each full-time adult typically works 40 hours per week, and there are 4 weeks in a month.

Number of working hours per month for each adult = 40 hours/week * 4 weeks/month = 160 hours/month

Now, we can calculate the average hourly living wage for each adult by dividing the estimated monthly cost of living by the number of working hours.

Average hourly living wage for each adult = Estimated monthly cost of living / Number of working hours per month
= $3,784 / 160 hours
≈ $23.65

Therefore, the average hourly living wage for each adult in order to support their basic needs is approximately $23.65.