A group of friends wants to go to the amusement park. They have no more than $110 to spend on parking and admission. Parking is $10.50, and tickets cost $23.50 per person, including tax. What is the maximum number of people who can go to the amusement park?

Let's call the number of people who can go to the amusement park x.

The cost of parking for x people would be 10.50*x.
The cost of tickets for x people would be 23.50*x.
We know that the total cost of parking and tickets cannot exceed $110, so we can write the following inequality:
10.50*x + 23.50*x ≤ 110
Combining like terms, we get:
34*x ≤ 110
Dividing both sides of the inequality by 34, we find:
x ≤ 110/34
x ≤ 3.235
Since we can't have a fraction of a person, we round down to the nearest whole number.
Therefore, the maximum number of people who can go to the amusement park is 3. Answer: \boxed{3}.

that answer wasnt right please give a new answer

I apologize for the mistake. Let's try again.

Let's call the number of people who can go to the amusement park x.
The cost of parking for x people would be $10.50.
The cost of tickets for x people would be $23.50*x.
We know that the total cost of parking and tickets cannot exceed $110, so we can write the following inequality:
10.50 + 23.50*x ≤ 110
Combining like terms, we get:
23.50*x ≤ 110 - 10.50
23.50*x ≤ 99.50
Dividing both sides of the inequality by 23.50, we find:
x ≤ 99.50/23.50
x ≤ 4.255
Since we can't have a fraction of a person, we round down to the nearest whole number.
Therefore, the maximum number of people who can go to the amusement park is 4. Answer: \boxed{4}.