Jose can ride his bike at an average speed oh 10 1/2 mph. At that rate, how many miles will he travel in 2 3/4?

To find the number of miles Jose will travel, we need to multiply his average speed by the time he travels.

First, let's convert the mixed number of the average speed, 10 1/2, into an improper fraction.
10 1/2 = 10 + 1/2 = 10 + 2/4 = (10*2 + 1)/2 = 21/2

Now we can multiply the average speed by the time traveled.
2 3/4 = 2 + 3/4 = 2 + 2/2 + 3/4 = (2*4 + 2 + 3)/4 = 11/4

Thus, the number of miles Jose will travel is (21/2) * (11/4) = 231/8.

Therefore, Jose will travel 231/8 miles in 2 3/4 hours.