The Jordan River basin is shared by five different nations: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. It has been estimated that Israel is consuming up to four times the amount used by the other nations.

What would be the MOST LIKELY topic of discussion among the leaders of these nations?



Reaching an agreement that guarantees fair access to the limited water supply.

Reaching an agreement that guarantees fair access to the limited water supply.


The construction of pipelines to divert water into other areas of the region.

The construction of pipelines to divert water into other areas of the region.


Developing guidelines to prevent pollution and contamination of the water.

Developing guidelines to prevent pollution and contamination of the water.


Creation of desalinization plants to produce more fresh water.

Creation of desalinization plants to produce more fresh water.

A. Reaching an agreement that guarantees fair access to the limited water supply.