
A scatterplot has an increasing line A, and two decreasing lines B, and C drawn through the plotted points.

how do we know Which line best fits the data?

line A
line B
line C
None of the lines fit the data well.

To determine which line best fits the data, you would typically use a statistical method called linear regression. Linear regression measures the relationship between the variables plotted on the scatterplot and helps determine the best-fitting line based on the least squares method. In this case, the line that best fits the data would be the one with the smallest overall distance between the observed data points and the line itself. Therefore, without further information or analysis, it is not possible to determine which line (A, B, or C) best fits the data accurately. Option D, none of the lines fit the data well, could be a possibility if all three lines have significant deviations from the majority of the data points.