Defined the following terms, control, variable, and hypothesis

Control: In an experiment, the control refers to the standard or unchanged aspect of the experiment against which other variables are compared. It is used to provide a baseline for evaluating the effects of manipulating other variables. The control group or condition helps to determine if the changes observed can be attributed to the independent variable being tested.

Variable: A variable is any factor or factor that can change or vary in an experiment. It is the characteristic or condition being studied and measured for potential effects on the outcome or results. Variables can be classified as independent variables, which are manipulated by the researcher, and dependent variables, which are measured or observed as the outcome of the experiment.

Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a proposed explanation or prediction for an observed phenomenon or a research question. It is a statement that can be tested through scientific investigation and experimentation. A hypothesis often predicts the relationship between variables and guides the design and implementation of an experiment. It is based on existing knowledge or observations and serves as a starting point for research and further analysis.