Compare linear function 1 with Linear function 2. Which one has the lesser initial value? Linear function 1: Lionel's cell phone plan costs $45 per month. Linear function 2: The relationship between the number of months Ruby has had her cell phone (x) and the total cost (y) is given by y=40x + 60.

Linear function 1 (Lionel's cell phone plan): $45 per month

Linear function 2 (Ruby's cell phone plan): y = 40x + 60

To find the initial value of the linear functions, we need to determine the y-intercept or the value of y when x equals 0.

For Linear function 1: Lionel's cell phone plan, the initial value is $45 because there are no additional costs or charges given when x equals 0.

For Linear function 2: Ruby's cell phone plan, when x equals 0, the equation y = 40x + 60 becomes y = 40(0) + 60 which simplifies to y = 60. Hence, the initial value is $60.

Comparing the initial values, Linear function 1 (Lionel's cell phone plan) has a lesser initial value of $45 compared to Linear function 2's (Ruby's cell phone plan) initial value of $60.