Solve the following real world problem agmadullahs team will play 21 games this season that is 12 games more than 1/3 the number of games they played last season how many games did they play last season

Let's solve the problem step by step:

Let's assume the number of games they played last season is "x".
According to the problem, agmadullah's team will play 12 games more than 1/3 of the number of games they played last season. So, the number of games they will play this season is (1/3)x + 12.

We are given that they will play 21 games this season, so we can set up the equation:
(1/3)x + 12 = 21.

Now, let's solve for x:
(1/3)x = 21 - 12,
(1/3)x = 9.

To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 3:
3 * (1/3)x = 3 * 9,
x = 27.

Therefore, they played 27 games last season.